Making the Best of a Bear Market
A bear market has likely begun. Might as well make the best of it. This month, Andrew Willms (a/k/a The Market Commentator) shares his recipe for making lemonade out of lemons when security prices drop.
A bear market has likely begun. Might as well make the best of it. This month, Andrew Willms (a/k/a The Market Commentator) shares his recipe for making lemonade out of lemons when security prices drop.
How do you prevent yourself from getting hacked when it seems like every day a new threat is out there that makes the news? Let’s face it, we’ve all had those moments (you know you have) where you clicked on an email or a web page, and then wonder if that was actually legit. The momentary panic about what you just clicked on. That panic is not a good feeling, and many of us are not lucky enough to be able to contact your computer consultant at the office to investigate. Below are some steps that are computer consultant approved.
Welcome to “The Bulletin Board”, a new column by members of The Milwaukee Company’s Administrative Team that will provide readers with information on a variety of topics that we hope you will find helpful. This month’s article shares some important tips on how to identify emails that you should not open, and protecting your personal information and financial accounts from spammers who mean to do you harm.
A number of competing considerations need to be balanced when implementing a particular investment strategy. One that is frequently overlooked is the impact how you invest can have on your estate plan, and how your testamentary wishes should be reflected in how you invest.
Wealthy individuals don’t need life insurance, right? Think again: end-of-life events can sometimes create liquidity issues. Fortunately, those frictions can be smoothed over with a carefully designed estate plan that includes life policies.
I am fond of saying that Mr. Market (an allegory that refers to the total securities market) is a better investor than the vast majority of financial planners, portfolio managers, and institutional investors. But how do you deal with Mr. Market’s propensity to go on a bender now and then?